John Demetracopoulos. Is Gregory Palamas an existentialist? The restoration of the true meaning of his comment on Exodus 3,14 “Ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ ὤν”. Vol. 4. No. 1. 2019

Publication Details

Is Gregory Palamas an existentialist? The restoration of the true meaning of his comment on Exodus 3,14 “Ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ ὤν”
Title in the language of publication: Григорий Палама — экзистенциалист? Реконструкция подлинного значения его комментария на Исх. 3:14: «Ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ ὤν”»
John Demetracopoulos
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of the University of Patras.
Address: Archemedes str., Building 7, Rion 26504, Patras, Greece.
Translated from English: 
Monk Diodor (Larionov)
Inmate of Bogoroditse-Sergieva hermitage, librarian.
Address: Bogoroditse-Sergieva hermitage 425270, Mari El Republic, Kilemarsky District, Russia.
P. 306–349.
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article (translation)


As has been noticed long ago by J. Romanides, J. Meyendorff’s interpretation of Gregory Palamas’ comment on Ex. 3:14 in his Triads, which has been reproduced by a large number of Orthodox theologians even after, is erroneous. Expressly developing Romanides’ view, the author argues that, in fact, Meyendorff anachronistically attributes to Palamas the 20th c. existentialist concept of the ontological or deontological priority of ‘person’ to ‘essence’ with regard to his doctrine of the unity and triunity of God. A similar notion, Neoplatonic in origins and succinctly expressed by the phrases ἑαυτὸν παράγειν and ἑαυτὸν ποιεῖν and the terms αὐτοπάρακτος and αὐτοπάτωρ (Plotinus Enneads II.9, V.1, VI.8), is attributed, as a grave theological error, by Palamas to his bitter enemy, Nikephoros Gregoras. What Palamas truly stated (by elaborating a relevant passage from Ps.-Dionysius Areopagite’s De divinis nominibus V.4) was simply that the divine ‘energy’ that was called in the peculiarly Areopagitic way ‘ousia’, i. e. God’s ‘essence-producing activity’ (οὐσιοποιὸς ἐνέργεια), springs from God’s ‘essence’. An exploration into the heathen and Christian Neoplatonic and Byzantine history of this terminology shows that, in the last resort, what Palamas said bordered even on the traditional grammatical-logical doctrine that οὐσία is a παρώνυμον from εἶναι.


Palamism, Gregory Palamas, existentialism, J. Meyendorff, divine essence, divine energy.


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© John Demetracopoulos, 2019  © Monk Diodor (Larionov), transl., 2019

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