On the Common Nature and the Trinity. Vol. 1. No. 1. 2016

Publication Details

On the Common Nature and the Trinity
Title in the language of publication: Об общей природе и Троице
Author: Anonymous treatise
Translated from Greek: 
Timur Shchukin
Research Fellow at the Institute of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Campus in Perm.
Address: 38 Studencheskaya Ulitsa, Perm 614070, Russia.
Timur Shchukin
Research Fellow at the Institute of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Campus in Perm.
Address: 38 Studencheskaya Ulitsa, Perm 614070, Russia.

Oleg Nogovitsin
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Research Fellow at the Sociological institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Address: 25/14 7-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya str., St. Petersburg 190005, Russia.
P. 338–344.
Language: Russian
Document type: Traslation and comments

© Timur Shchukin, transl. and comment., 2016  © Oleg Nogovitsin, comment., 2016

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