Gideon Freudenthal. Salomon Maimon on “philosophical systems of theology”. Vol. 3. No. 1. 2018

Publication Details

Salomon Maimon on “philosophical systems of theology”
Title in the language of publication: Соломон Маймон о «философских системах теологии»
Gideon Freudenthal
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor emeritus of the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas of the Tel-Aviv University.
Address: Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel.
Translated from German: 
Anton Ivanenko
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Institute of Philosophy of the Saint Petersburg State University.
Address: 7/9 Universitetskaya emb., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia.
P. 53–75.
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article


Salomon Maimon, a philosopher and Jewish enlightener (1753–1800), has left after himself a significant amount of differently triggered utterances on various kinds of religion and philosophy, from the Greek paganism to the “religion of reason”, as well as on his own curriculum vitae from the orthodox Judaism to the rationality-based Enlightenment. This evolution is specified by two parameters. The first of them concerns the organ of cognition and leads from the unregulated faculty of imagination to the pure reason. The second relates to the method of cognition: it starts from the explication of plurality of phenomena through almost as plural immediate causes, then, taking course via monotheism where one conclude immediately on the “first cause” out of singular phenomena, leading to the gradually arising scientific cognition ascending to the first cause through the causes, which become more and more universal, and align into an integrated philosophical and theological system. It is not the case that Maimon has definitely described this evolution scale, still the fact that the utterances on various kinds of mythology, religion and philosophical systems, which are dispersed everywhere in his writings, could be reduced to a strict scheme serves as an evidence of that it is a systematic and consecutive theory rooted in Maimon’s philosophy that hides itself behind the specific for him irregular narrative over this issue.


Salomon Maimon, religion, theology, philosophy, faculty of imagination, fantasizing, understanding, Enlightenment.


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© Gideon Freudenthal, 2018  © Anton Ivanenko, transl., 2018

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