Publication Details
The Constitutional State as a Social and Cultural State Institution in the Philosophy of Fichte | |
Title in the language of publication: | Правовое государство как социальная и культурная государственная институция в философии Фихте |
Author: |
Helmut Girndt
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the University Duisburg-Essen.
Address: 2 Forsthausweg, Duisburg 47057, Germany.
Translated from German: |
Anton Ivanenko
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Institute of Philosophy of the Saint Petersburg State University.
Address: 7/9 Universitetskaya emb., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia.
Issue: |
P. 76–95.
Language: | Russian |
Document type: | Research Article |
The purpose of the transcendental philosophy of law consists in a reflexion of possibilities of co-existence of free beings. Fichte, awakened by the French revolutionary ideas, elaborated a new philosophical notion of property and, then, based on it, the concept of two inalienable rights which has acquired universal significance in the state legal field: the basic right to the life-supporting work within the institute of social state and its complementary right to idleness as freedom for purposes of freedom in a cultural state. This concept has been derived by him from his concept of the state and its grounds in the moral. Prerequisites of the state organisation of the life are, first of all, “principles that became the second nature and, therefore, not appearing in the clear consciousness” which define the concrete social relations, and which Fichte calls “mores”. However, in his explanation of the freedom for the aims of freedom Fichte goes beyond the philosophy of law. Instead of grounding of principal rights to idleness and free education, Fichte in his philosophy of law provides speculative explanations referring to the state law or the general world order, where the individual interests of civilians have almost no role in comparison with the universal categories. The Enlightenment faith in the development of the divine spirit within the world history, which he shared with other his contemporaries and especially with Hegel, did not become proved in the real historical process. In the same extent as is correct Fichte’s statement that necessity of the state coercion is to be demonstrated with the help of state educational institutions and, in this way, to be overcome, one should admit that Fichte failed to prove the rights to aims of freedom in the framework of the speculations in philosophy of history. Instead, Fichte should derive these rights within the philosophy of law from the morally grounded demands of the civilians to the constitutional state. Nevertheless, even now it is justified to construct the state as a rational constitutional state from only a priori principles, in a Fichte-like manner. Such a construction, without empirical borrowings, could be used for development of a rational normative orientation for evaluation and measurement of the existing state and its institutions. The twofold legislation of freedom — based on both individual rights and universal historical grounds — provides to the Fichte postulate of the basic right to freedom for the aims of freedom a higher moral and legal sanction than that of the individual freedom which is the only acknowledged by the current common opinion.
Fichte, state, law, constitutional state, cultural state, fundamental right to the vitally necessary work, fundamental right to freedom for the aims of freedom.
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© Helmut Girndt, 2018 © Anton Ivanenko, transl., 2018