Sven K. Knebel. Tradition as an archeological category. Vol. 3. No. 1. 2018


Publication Details

Tradition as an archeological category
Title in the language of publication: Традиция как археологическая категория
Sven K. Knebel
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Institute of Philosophy at the Free University of Berlin.
Address: Habelschwerdter Allee, Berlin 14195, Germany.
Translated from German
Vitaliy Ivanov
Research Fellow at the Research and Education Center for Religion, Philosophy, and Culture Studies at St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Associate Research Fellow at the Sociological institute of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Address: 67A Bolshaya Morskaia str., Saint-Petersburg, 190000, Russia.

Maria Varlamova
PhD in Philosophy, Research Fellow at the Research and Education Center for Religion, Philosophy, and Culture Studies at St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Associate Research Fellow at the Sociological institute of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Address: 67A Bolshaya Morskaia str., Saint-Petersburg, 190000, Russia.
P. 15–33.
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article


Sven K. Knebel (born 1958) is a renowned German hictorian of philosophy, a specialist in Late Scholasticism and peripatetic philosophic tradition. He is a disciple of Wolfgang Hübener and Jacob Taubes. The essay “Tradition as an archeological category” was published by Knebel with the subtitle “A hermeneutic afterword” as a methodological afterword to his book “In genere latent aequivocationes. On the tradition of critique of universals over the spirit of dieresis” (1989), dedicated to the history of the concept of universal unity of genus and to a research of complicated interaction of Platonic and Aristotelic tradition within the frames of teachings on univocation and equivocation of genus and species in the period from Plato and Aristotle to the High Scholasticism of the XIV century. In this essay, Knobel attempts to rehabilitate the concept of tradition, namely its paradigmatic case which the metaphysical tradition of philosophic knowledge appears, in respect of the methodological frames of Michel Foucault’s archeology of knowledge. He demonstrates that the tradition of metaphysics as a special discourse on “beings as beings” in its contiuity is neither an echo of primordial meaning of Being represented in a philosophical statement, nor a sign of primordial authorial intention (traditional hermeneutics), nor a mystery of signifier disavowing this primordial sense (deconstruction) or transforming it into an allegory of “unspoken between the lines”, into a latent discourse of unconscious (psychoanalysis), nor a speculative assertion (idealistic dialectics). On the contrary, as an empirically given order of terminological differentias, the logical and metaphysical tradition proves to be a type of non-representing discourse, which, instead of representation of the transcendental signified, is from the very beginning ever present beyond its own significations. For the metaphysical discourse, its elements, continuity of tradition and terminological differentias, correlate as a continuity of illusion of representation of pure signified and as an order of discourse constantly differentiating this continuity in the empirically fixated significations of terms and thus disclosing the illusiveness of this illusion of continuity, that is, its a priori necessity, which varies in each case. The practice of archeology of knowledge claims to detect within the orders of empirically given discourses their historical a priori, that is, an irreducible to the normativity of utterances condition of reality of actually uttered and, thus, it methodologically embodies proper form and actuality of the discourse of logical and metaphysical tradition.


Archeology of knowledge, hermeneutics, history of concepts, tradition, historical a priori, terminology of metaphysic.


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© Sven K. Knebel, 2018  © Vitaliy Ivanov, transl., 2018  © Maria Varlamova, transl., 2018