Sergey Fokin. Maurice Blanchot and the chronic antisemitism of French literature. Review. Vol. 3. No. 2. 2018

Publication Details

Maurice Blanchot and the chronic antisemitism of French literature. Review of the books: Lignes. Les Politiques de Maurice Blanchot. 1930–1993. Nr. 43. Mars 2014. 235 р.; Nancy J.-L. La communauté desavouée. Paris: Galilée, 2014. 176 p.; Surya M. L’Autre Blanchot. L’Ecriture de jour, l’écriture de nuit. Paris: Gallimard, 2015 (coll. “Tel”). 168 p.; Monvailler H. de., Rousseau N. Blanchot l’obscur ou La Déraison littéraire. Préface de M. Onfray. Paris: Autrement, 2015 (coll. “Université populaires & Cie”). 252 р.
Title in the language of publication: Морис Бланшо и хронический антисемитизм французской словесности. Рецензия на книги: Lignes. Les Politiques de Maurice Blanchot. 1930–1993. Nr. 43. Mars 2014. 235 р.; Nancy J.-L. La communauté desavouée. Paris: Galilée, 2014. 176 p.; Surya M. L’Autre Blanchot. L’Ecriture de jour, l’écriture de nuit. Paris: Gallimard, 2015 (coll. “Tel”). 168 p.; Monvailler H. de., Rousseau N. Blanchot l’obscur ou La Déraison littéraire. Préface de M. Onfray. Paris: Autrement, 2015 (coll. “Université populaires & Cie”). 252 р.
Sergey Fokin
Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Romance Languages and Translation of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Professor of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University.
Address: 21 Sadovaya street, St. Petersburg 191023, Russia.
P. 443–464.
Language: Russian
Document type: Review


Asouline P. (1985) L’Epuration des intellectuels (1944–1945). Bruxelles: Editons Complexes.

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Bident C. (2000) “Maurice Blanchot. Partenaire invisible”. Logos. Filosofsko-literaturnyi zhurnal. № 4. [Logos. A philosophical and literary journal. No. 4]: 134–159. (in Russian).

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Blanchot M. (1969) “Être juif”. Blanchot M. L’Entretien infini. Paris: Gallimard: 180–191.

Blanchot M. (1998a) La Communauté inavouable (tr. by Y. Stefanov). Moscow: Izdatel’skii dom: Moskovskii filosofskii fond. (in Russian).

Blanchot M. (1998b) De Kafka à Kafka (tr., afterword by D. Krotova). Moscow: Logos (Esse homo). (in Russian).

Blanchot M. (2002a) L’Espace littéraire (tr. by B. V. Dubin, S. N. Zenkin, D. Krotova, V. P. Bolshakov). Moscow: Logos (Esse homo). (in Russian).

Blanchot M. (2002b) “Comment la littérature est-elle possible?” Paulhan J. Les Fleurs de Tarbes ou la Terreur dans les lettres (tr. by A. Shestakov, intr. by S. L. Fokin). St. Petersburg: Nauka (Frantsuzskaya biblioteka [French library]): 172–184. (in Russian).

Blanchot M. (2003) Écrits politiques. Guerre d’Algérie, Mai 1968, etc. 1958–1993 (éd. de M. Surya). Paris: Lignes & Manifestes; Léo Scheer.

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Blanchot M. (2008) Écrits politiques 1953–1993 (textes choisis, établis et annotés par E. Hoppenot). Paris: Gallimard (Cahiers de la NRF).

Blanchot M. (2010) “Le seul fait que Benoist…”. Blanchot M. La condition critique. Articles 1945–1998 (textes choisis et établis par C. Bident). Paris: Gallimard (Cahiers de la NRF): 478–479.

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© Sergey Fokin, 2018

Sergey Fokin. The Sacred in a surrational perspective. Review of the book: Zenkin S. N. The Non-divine Sacred. Theory and Artistic Practice. Moscow: RGGU Publishing House, 2012. Vol. 1. No. 2. 2016

Publication Details

The Sacred in a surrational perspective. Review of the book: Zenkin S. N. The Non-divine Sacred. Theory and Artistic Practice. Moscow: RGGU Publishing House, 2012.
Title in the language of publication: Сакральное в сюррациональной перспективе. Рецензия на книгу: С. Н. Зенкин. Небожественное сакральное. Теория и художественная практика. М.: Изд-во РГГУ, 2012.
Sergey Fokin
Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Romance Languages and Translation of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Professor of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University.
Address: 21 Sadovaya street, St. Petersburg 191023, Russia.
P. 423–430.
Language: Russian
Document type: Review


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Benjamin W. (2012) “Über den Begriff der Geschichte”. Benjamin W. Uchenie o podobii. Mediaesteticheskie proizvedeniya [Doctrine of Similarity. Mediaaesthetic Works] (ed. by I Chubarov, I Boldyrev). Moscow: Izd-vo RGGU (Sovremennye gumanitarnye issledovaniya. Kn. I [Present day humanistic studies. Vol. I]): 237–253. (in Russian).

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Zenkin S. N. (2012) Nebozhestvennoe sakral’noe. Teoriya i khudozhestvennaya praktika [The Non-divine Sacred. Theory and Artistic Practice]. Moscow: Izd-vo RGGU. (in Russian).


© Sergey Fokin, 2016

Friedrich Hölderlin. Remarks on “Oedipus”. Vol. 1. No. 2. 2016

Publication Details

Remarks on Oedipus
Title in the language of publication: Примечания к Эдипу
Author: Friedrich Hölderlin
Translation from German: 
Sergey Fokin
Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Romance Languages and Translation of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Professor of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University.
Address: 21 Sadovaya street, St. Petersburg 191023, Russia.
P. 65–74.
Language: Russian
Document type: Translation

References to endnotes

Benjamin W. (2012) “Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers”. Benjamin W. Uchenie o podobii. Mediaesteticheskie proizvedeniya [Doctrine of Similarity. Mediaaesthetic Works] (ed. by I Chubarov, I Boldyrev). Moscow: Izd-vo RGGU (Sovremennye gumanitarnye issledovaniya. Kn. I [Present day humanistic studies. Vol. I]): 254–270. (in Russian).

Binder W. (1992) Hölderlin und Sophokles. Eine Vorlesung gehalten im Sommersemester 1984 an der Universität Zürich (hg. v. U. Hölscher). Tubingen: Hölderlin-Gesellschaft.

Brague R. (1994) “Ein rätselhaftes Zitat über Aristoteles in Hölderlins ‘Anmerkungen über Ödipus’”». Idealismus mit Folgen. Die Epochenschwelle um 1800 in Kunst und Geisteswissenschaften. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von O. Pöggeler (hg. v. H. J. Gawall, Ch. Jamme). Münich: Fink Verlag: 69–74.

Hölderlin F. (1943–1985) Sämtliche Werke — Grosse Stuttgarter Ausgabe. 8 in 15 Bände (hg. v. F. Beissner, A. Beck). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Hölderlin F. (1967) Œuvres (éd. P. Jaccottet). Paris: Gallimard (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. No. 191).

Hölderlin F. (1998) Œdipe le tyran de Sophocle (traduit de l’allemand par Ph. Lacoue-Labarthe). Paris: Christian Bourgois (Détroits).

Hölderlin F. (2006) Fragments de poétique et autres textes (éd. bilingue, présent., trad., notes de J.-F. Courtine). Paris: Imprimerie nationale (La salamandre).

Taminaux J. (1995) Le théâtre des philosophes: la tragédie, l’être, l’action. Grenoble: Millon.


© Sergey Fokin, transl. and notes, 2016

Sergey Fokin. Hölderlin, Lacoue-Labarthe and carpenter Zimmer. Vol. 1. No. 2

Publication Details

Hölderlin, Lacoue-Labarthe and carpenter Zimmer
Title in the language of publication: Гёльдерлин, Лаку-Лабарт и столяр Циммер
Sergey Fokin
Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Romance Languages and Translation of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Professor of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University.
Address: 21 Sadovaya street, St. Petersburg 191023, Russia.
P. 53–64.
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article (introdaction)


The article addresses an original conception of translation discovered in Friedrich Hölderlin’s (1770–1843) reflection on the essence of translation contained in his “Commentaries to Oedipus” created with a view to commenting his own translation into German (1804) of Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King” and in the interpretation of this twofold, poetical and reflexive, endeavor on the part of Hölderlin suggested in the works of the French philosopher, German scholar and translator Ph. Lacoue-Labarthe (1940–2007), in particular in his conception of translation as metaphrasis consistently expounded in his book “Metaphrasis” (1998). In this conception translation, on the one hand, is perceived to be close to metaphysics, on the other hand it is associated with a theatrical and existential experiment of sorts, with tragedy as such. In such a practice the poet-translator is so much immersed into the linguistic endeavor that poetry ends up menacing with madness and silence: he no longer imitates, following the letter of the original, like “modern” poets, but performs, plays; he gets absorbed in playing and overplays like Oedipus whose guilt is defined, among others, by his reinterpreting, paraphrasing, replaying and even playing out the oracle’s word instead of following it literally. At the same time, the tragicalness of this play also consists in the fact that in such an act of translation or language overturn the poet unavoidably addresses the political issues of his own time and homeland, tending to give priority to the latter. The poet takes up translation in order to transfer foreign laws, whose principal merit is being firm and historical, into the yards of his sacred native land, the land of his fathers, which, if it were not for these translations, risks remaining not only bereft of the poet but also in the absolute past, the past time of ancestors, angels and yards lacking in clear guidelines.

A translation of Hölderlin’s “Commentaries to Oedipus” is attached to the article. This endeavor of translating-interpreting one of the most obscure of his philosophical-poetological fragments is due, first of all, to an attempt at clarifying the role of “the other’s word” and “otherness” in general in the poetic thought and in the very existence of the greatest German poet who came to the front at the dawn of the nineteenth century due to his sharpest awareness of Germanness or, rather, that of the tradition of the fathers’ land. It is of importance for us to perceive the author of “Germany” and “Rhine” not only as an ultramodern “poet of the poets” (M. Heidegger) coated with a veil of romanticism and nationalism, but rather as the very personification of an extremely “inopportune” poet-thinker who pursued the task of thinking-risking-himself against his own time.


Hölderlin, Lacoue-Labarthe, philosophy of translation, policy of poetry, Greek tragedy, poetical method, Greek culture in the making of German identity.


Benjamin W. (2012) “Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers”. Benjamin W. Uchenie o podobii. Mediaesteticheskie proizvedeniya [Doctrine of Similarity. Mediaaesthetic Works] (ed. by I Chubarov, I Boldyrev). Moscow: Izd-vo RGGU (Sovremennye gumanitarnye issledovaniya. Kn. I [Present day humanistic studies. Vol. I]): 254–270. (in Russian).

Bertaux P. (1983) Hölderlin, ou Le temps d’un poète. Paris: Gallimard.

Brinbaum A. (2010) “La sobriété, de Lacoue-Labarthe à Holderlin”. Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. La césure et l’impossible (éd. J. Rogozinski). Paris: Lignes: 41–60.

Hölderlin F. (1952) Sämtliche WerkeGrosse Stuttgarter Ausgabe. 8 in 15 Bände (hg. v. F. Beissner, A. Beck). Bd. 5. Übersetzungen (hg. v. F. Beissner). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Hölderlin F. (1954) Sämtliche WerkeGrosse Stuttgarter Ausgabe. 8 in 15 Bände (hg. v. F. Beissner, A. Beck). Bd. 6. Hälfte 1. Briefe: Text (hg. v. A. Beck). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Lacoue-Labarthe Ph., Nancy J.-L. (1978) L’Absolu littéraire. Théorie de la littérature du romantisme allemand. Paris: Seuil.

Lacoue-Labarthe Ph., Nancy J.-L. (2002) Le mythe nazi (tr. by S. L. Fokin). St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal. (in Russian).

Lacoue-Labarthe Ph. (1998) Métaphrasis, suivi de Le Théâtre de Hölderlin. Paris: PUF.

Lacoue-Labarthe Ph. (2002) Heidegger. La politique du poème. Paris: Galilée.


© Sergey Fokin, 2016