Publication Details
The soul of the city |
Title in the language of publication: |
Душа города |
Author: |
Nicole Loraux
1943–2003. A French historian of politics in the antique Greece, a participant of the so-called “Paris School” (together with J.-P. Vernant, M. Detienne and her teacher P. Vidal-Naquet), a collaborator of the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (École des hautes études en sciences sociales) in Paris; has worked at the edge of the history and the anthropology, with a significant deconstructivist component.
Translated from French |
Sergey Ermakov
Associate Research Fellow at the Sociological institute of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Address: 25/14 7-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya str., St. Petersburg 190005, Russia.
Issue: |
P. 22–50.
Language: |
Russian |
Document type: |
Research Article (translition) |
The text by Nicole Loraux, which is published in translation into Russian, is one of the first (methodological) chapters of the monograph “The Divided City: On Memory and Forgetting in Ancient Athens” (1997), containing her study of the civil war in the Ancient Greece and its reflexion in the Greek political thought. This text is the development of a lecture delivered at the French Association of Psychoanalysis (Association Française de Psychanalyse) (1987). It presents an attempt of explication of the already started dialogue between psychoanalysis and the studies of the history of the classical Greece, that make use of some explanation models and notions of psychoanalysis. At the same time Nicole Loraux seeks to draw a boundary line between classical studies and psychoanalysis as accurately as possible, making the text one of the rare examples of deep humanitarian reflexion on the legitimacy of such type of borrowings from psychoanalysis, of the usage of analogies and of the notion of analogy itself. The latter itself might lead to several paradoxes, as it had already been the case in Freud’s metapsychological works. Productivity, applicability and risks of psychoanalytical analogies are demonstrated through the examples of “repression” and “undoing” of the Greek notions στάσις and κράτος, the two most important terms for understanding the Greek civil war and politics in general, as well as certain events in the history of the Athenian democracy of the 5th century B.C.
Memory of Athens, Plato, Freud, stásis, krátos, undoing, repression, analogy.
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© Nicole Loraux, 2016 © Sergey Ermakov, transl., 2018