Publication Details
Names and Things according to Eunomius of Cyzicus and Gregory of Nyssa | |
Title in the language of publication: | Имена и вещи согласно Евномию Кизическому и Григорию Нисскому |
Author: |
Lenka Karfíková
Doctor of Theology, Professor of Philosophy at the Protestant Theological Faculty, Professor of Medieval Philosophy at the Philosophical Faculty, Charles University of Prague.
Address: Černá 9, P.O.Box 529, CZ-115 55 Praha 1, Czech Republic.
Translated from Czech: |
Illya Bey
Master of Theology, Senior Researcher of the Center for the Study of Religion of the National Dragomanov Pedagogical University, Kyiv.
Address: st. Pirogova 9, Kyiv 02000, Ukraine.
Issue: |
P. 329–360.
Language: | Russian |
Document type: | Research Article (translation) |
The controversy between the Cappadocian Neo-Nicean theologians, Gregory of Nyssa and Basil of Caesarea, brothers by birth, and Neo-Arianist bishop Eunomius of Cyzicus is one of the most resonant theological disputes of the 4th century, where the Christian orthodoxy took its shape. Having rejected the Eunomius’ idea of consecutive mutual subordination of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, these theologians thought over and validated the possibility of existence of three mutually equal divine hypostases, which are, nevertheless, distinct from each other by their origin. The article addresses not the theological substance of this polemics as a whole, but the assertions of Eunomius and Gregory on the subject of the origin of the speech. In the article, a reconstruction is proposed of respective theories of language, and diverse aspects of Eunomius’ thought on the presence of divine nomenclature in the human speech, which displays the structure of the things themselves, are exposed, as well as the contradicting opinion of Gregory on words of human language as a productive structure inherent to the human nature, which arranges the cognition of things, and a means to express thoughts, which is a condition for human communication. In the second part of the article, we considered the significance of some ancient theories of speech used by both polemical parties for the purpose of ironic mockery of the antagonist’s opinions. As a result, the issue of possible receptions of elements of platonic, peripatetic, stoic and epicurean visions on the nature of human speech in Eunomius’ and Gregory’s language theories is extensively clarified.
Gregory of Nyssa, Eunomius, theology of the Cappadocians, Neo-Arianism, Christian orthodoxy, name, meaning, ancient theories of speech
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© Lenka Karfíková, 2016 © Illya Bey, transl., 2016