Francis of Meyronnes, OFM De primo principio complex Vol. 1. No. 1. 2016.

Publication Details

De primo principio complex
Title in the language of publication: О первом сложном принципе
Author: Francis of Meyronnes
Translated from English
Danila Maslov
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of History of World Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Address: 1 Leninskie gori, Moscow 119234, Russia.
P. 151–177.
Language: Russian
Document type: Translation and notes
Acknowledgments:  The present study is a part of the project No. 16-03-00047, “The followers of John Duns Scotus in the XIVth–XVIth centuries Scholasticism: Problems of Epistemology and Metaphysics”, implemented with a financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

© Danila Maslov, transl. and notes, 2016

Danila Maslov. The De primo principio complexo by Francis of Meyronnes and the Polemics with Peter Roger. Vol. 1. No. 1. 2016.

Publication Details

The De primo principio complexo by Francis of Meyronnes and the Polemics with Peter Roger
Title in the language of publication:
Трактат Франциска из Меронна «О первом сложном принципе» и полемика с Петром Рогерием
Danila Maslov
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of History of World Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Address: 1 Leninskie gori, Moscow 119234, Russia.
P. 135–150.
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article (Introdaction)
Acknowledgments:  The present study is a part of the project No. 16-03-00047, “The followers of John Duns Scotus in the XIVth–XVIth centuries Scholasticism: Problems of Epistemology and Metaphysics”, implemented with a financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.


The article presents a brief overview of the manuscript versions of the De primo principio complexo by Francis of Meyronnes (c. 1288–1328). The collation of these versions formed the text of the treatise that was translated into Russian. The complete version came down to us in Ms Firenze, BNC, Conv. soppr., A. 3 641, while the other three manuscripts present the abridged version of the treatise. The structure of the treatise is described in its main outlines: most of the articuli of the treatise may be related to the 13th – 14th century tradition of commenting on Aristotle’s Metaphysics in the form of quaestiones. This is true both of those questions that were put in respect to the “first principle” in Question — Commentaries on Metaphysics IV, and of those on the being of truth (quaestiones in Metaphysics II or VI) — the latter ones were adapted by Francis for the discussion of the “ontological status” of the “first complex principle” (“of anything either affirmation or negation <is true>, and of nothing both of these at once”) (articles 3–5 of the treatise). The main focus in the article is on the connection of the treatise with the Disputatio between Francis of Meyronnes and Peter Roger (1291–1352) that was held during 1320–1321 and was edited by Jean Barbet. The last three articles of the treatise correspond in their content to the topics related to the first complex principle that were touched upon in the polemics between Francis and Peter. Francis argues that the first principle belongs to metaphysics, and not to logic, and this claim leads him to insist that it is the “incomplex”, and not “complex” contradictories, i. e. terms, and not propositions, that truly “pertain” to this principle. The nuances of the debate between Francis and Peter show that the arguments which address the main issues of the treatise spring from the polemical context, where the opponent’s opinion is in certain instances deliberately misconstrued, and the author’s rationes in some points turn self — contradictory. The proof of the universality and necessity of the principles of non — contradiction and the excluded middle is thus embedded in the polemical objectives and the convoluted turns of the debate between the two scholastics.


Francis of Meyronnes, Peter Roger, first complex principle, principle of non — contradiction, 14th century scholasticism, metaphysics, medieval Latin manuscripts.



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© Danila Maslov, 2016