Publication Details
God is unconscious |
Title in the language of publication: |
Бог бессознателен |
Author: |
François Regnault
(b. in 1938) is a renowned French philosopher, translator, playwright and theatre professional. He lectured in the university Paris VIII from 1970. In 1975 he joined the editorial of psychoanalytic magazine “Ornicar?”, in 1976 founded a repertory company “Pandora” in cooperation with Brigitte Jacques, directed the Théâtre de la Commune/Pandora at Aubervilliers from 1991 to 1997.
Translated from French |
Alexander Chernoglazov
Associate Research Fellow at the Sociological institute of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Address: 25/14 7-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya str., St. Petersburg 190005, Russia.
Issue: |
P. 56–104.
Language: |
Russian |
Document type: |
Research Article (translation) |
The book of François Regnault “God is unconscious. Lacanian studies around St. Thomas Aquinas”, published in 1986, is a series of various articles devoted to the development of Lacanian version of psychoanalytic interpretation of Christian theology and simultaneously to the analysis of Lacan’s position towards the religion and Christianity in the first turn. Its essential part, Chapter IV, which has given the name to the whole book, is represented here in translation into Russian. Within its course, Regnault provides an experience of understanding the Christian triadic theology on the basis of logical and mathematical and topological models of psychoanalytic interpretation, which are specific for late Lacan.
Regnault’s analysis is mainly performed on the grounds of Thomas Aquinas’ treatise “On the Trinity” from the first section of his “Summa theologiae”. Regnault presents a psychoanalytic interpretation of consequence of the relationship within the Trinity: geniture of Son by Father and procession of the Holy Spirit by them. In the first of these cases, from the viewpoint of the orthodox Catholic dogmatic teaching, the origin of procession is Father, while in the second case it is both Father and Son. However, as Regnault exposes in a psychoanalytic clue, in the theological description of this supertemporal dynamics of the triadic relationship, there is always an unorthodox context of substitution the third hypostasis, the Holy Spirit, into the origin’s place as Love binding Father and Son. This context is sign-oriented, i. e. it has a linguistic nature of symbolization, hence the issue of procession of the Holy Spirit and the Filioque problem, which is a matter of origin, order and nature of relations in procession of the Spirit, could not escape becoming definitive in the theological and confessional debates within the Christianity. In Regnault’s suggestion, it is testified also by the topological analysis, for the Borromean property, which could have tied the relationship within the Trinity into an entirely self-contained and dogmatically inseparable knot, dually reveals its traits in the Filioque issue only by virtue of the Holy Spirit, when the absent Name-of-Father starts reminding itself in the semantic field of establishing his names.
Unconscious, theology, psychoanalysis, Trinity, topology, Borromean rings, Jacques Lacan, Thomas Aquinas.
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© François Regnault, 2017 © Alexander Chernoglazov, transl., 2017