Andrei Patkul. The Comments to the Publication of the Russian Translation of F.W.J. Schelling’s Treatise “On the Source of Eternal Truths”. Vol. 3. No. 2. 2018

Publication Details

The Comments to the Publication of the Russian Translation of F.W.J. Schelling’s Treatise “On the Source of Eternal Truths”
Title in the language of publication: К публикации русского перевода «Трактата об источнике вечных истин» Ф. В. Й. Шеллинга
Andrei Patkul
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Institute of Philosophy of the Saint Petersburg State University.
Address: 7/9 Universitetskaya emb., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia.
P. 91–121.
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article (introdaction)


This article is made as comments accompanying the publication of translation of late F. W. J. Schelling’s treatise titled “On the Source of Eternal Truths” (1850) in Russian. There are three reasons of actuality of such translation that are emphasized here. First of all, it exposes the originality of Schelling’s attitude towards the history of philosophy, including ancient and medieval philosophy. For instance, Hegel, a contemporary and an opponent of Schelling, thought the philosophy having devolved to the “level of rational metaphysics and formal dialectic” in Middle Age. As opposed to him, Schelling believed that the medieval philosophy could give us many possible solutions of the actual metaphysical problems. At the same time, Schelling does not build any unified narration of the history of philosophy, but rather traces various directions of possible solutions of the problem of the eternal truths, which pass from one philosopher to another in the history of philosophy. In the second place, the treatise allows us to see the peculiarity of Schelling’s position within the framework of philosophy of modern philosophy in general and of the German idealism in particular. The Schelling’s treatise shows once again that Schelling wanted to establish a new type of philosophizing, which he called “positive philosophy”. Its subject is that-which-is insofar it exists in actu. From this perspective, he appraises the precede philosophy, both pre-Kantian thought and the philosophical initiation of Kant himself. In this regard, a special interest should be paid to Schelling’s critique of so-called post-Kantian German idealism, especially, his attacking on the system which is based on the science of logic, i.e. on reducing the existence to the essence. In the third place, this article could advance the understanding of Schelling’s late philosophy for contemporary philosophy. The treatment of two concepts of the late Schelling, namely, facticity and existence, are for this reason emphasized in this article. It is shown that their today’s content was shaped by Schelling in particular.


F. W. J. Schelling, German idealism, treatise “On the Source of the eternal truths”, ideal of reason, being and thought, essence, existence.


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© Andrei Patkul, 2018

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