Alexander Timofeev. Phenomenological experience according to Hegel. Vol. 4. No. 2. 2019

Publication Details

Phenomenological experience according to Hegel
Title in the language of publication: Феноменологический опыт у Гегеля
Alexander Timofeev
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations of the Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.
Address: 49 Kronverksky Pr., St. Petersburg 197101, Russia.
P. 98–133.
Language: Russian
Document type: Research Article


In the present paper, the Hegelian concept of experience is analyzed through the lens of interaction of consciousness and self-consciousness of the actual individual. For this purpose, the analytic method and comparative-historical method have been applied. For Hegel, the core issue is in how to correlate the ideal and the real, the logical necessity and the sense certainty, the social and individual aspects of being of the human in experience in non-casual way. From his point of view, any content of consciousness is a result of activity or, if speaking more up to date technical philosophical language, performativity of the spirit both in the form of a singular subject and in the form of universal selfness. We tried to manifest that the phenomenological analysis of experience delivers some patterns of action leading to realization of the objective which is implicitly built in it. In this sense, the experience includes within itself a paradigmal but not systematic basis. That means, the experience is more fundametal here than the method, in the sense that the logical necessity as a basis of the method can not be actual beyond the experience. In the end, the result of the action in the experience is production, or, more precisely, productions of many individualities, which, on the one hand, constitute the content of the spirit, while on the other hand, they give an impulse to interaction of individualities. This is what could be titled “paradigmal performativity”. Compliant to such interpretation, a conclusion follows that the value of Hegelian understanding of experience is in that the experience of actual subjects of spiritual activity is interpreted. The moment of singularity (individuality) as negative unity of experience appears a necessary element of the process of this experience. Thus, the methods and methodology of reasoning the real negativity, real differences and contradictions is formed. The Hegelian understanding of experience allows not only to review the experience of the subject of consciousness, but also to unite the sociopsychological observation disclosing the activity of separate individuals, with comprehesion of definite subsequence of spiritual activity in all the three forms of the spirit, subjective, objective and absolute. It exposes the necessity for a singular consciousness to stand on the viewpoint of the universal self-consciousness.


Hegel, Spirit, activity, experience, performativity, paradigmality, consciousness, self-consciousness.


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© Alexander Timofeev, 2019

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